About Us
Our aim is to get you and your devices connected to the Internet, anywhere. This could be for primary Internet access, to monitor remote devices or to provide higher performance, more resilient Internet.
We help businesses solve their simple and complex internet connectivity challenges including:
- Reducing downtime due to communications problems
- Providing resilience to existing connectivity
- Building and managing multi-site networks efficiently
- Employing new technologies to deliver actionable data
As a responsive, innovative and agile Network Services Company, our focus is to support our customers and partners to deliver precisely what they need.
We have been supporting companies of all sizes for over 15 years and the experience and skills we have acquired over that time ensures that we are known as a trusted partner. Our award-winning solutions offer faster communications, access to bigger data, reduce exposure to network outages and put customers back in control of their data networks.
Our Core Values for the Business
We support and deliver
what our customers and
our partners need.
Award winning products
and services that solve
connectivity challenges.
Working hard to
provide Internet
connectivity solutions.
We work with honesty
and integrity to provide
the best solution for you.
Hear more about working at Comms365 from the Team HERE.
Our Product Portfolio
Download a copy of our Product Portfolio brochure for an overview of our products and services. For further information, visit our Services page.
Our Charity of the Year
We are delighted to announce that our charity of the year is Age UK, and we will be supporting our local branch, Milton Keynes.
Age UK is celebrating their 45th anniversary of providing a range of services for people over the age of 55 living in the UK. Examples of their services are: befriending, meals, post hospital care support, dementia support, digital inclusion support and technology, assistance with mental health including eating disorders (via their Social Prescribing Service). The MK branch has also recently extended their services to support anyone over the age of 18.
Our Awards
Comms Business Awards 2022
Best Wireless Connectivity Provider
Best Wireless Connectivity Provider 2022 – This category recognises the brilliant efforts of the connectivity market. We were able to showcase our Bonded Internet for Higher Performing Internet connectivity and our SD WAN solution to illustrate how quickly and smoothly a move from existing infrastructure to a new service can be managed. Read our CommsBusiness Awards 2022 Blog here.
Our Technical Partners
Framework for Purchasing for Education and Public Sector
Everything ICT is a DfE-approved ICT procurement framework, and Comms365 is a pre-approved and trusted supplier.
Everything ICT is free to use, fully compliant, extremely flexible and a popular choice in Education and across the Public Sector.
A framework agreement sets the terms under which you can make purchases from suppliers, and takes care of any issues that may arise. You can buy directly from Comms365, or you can purchase our services through Everything ICT.
The government has pledged that all schools need to have high speed Internet by 2025.
High speed Internet can be achieved in a number of ways using fixed line or mobile connectivity. Fixed Line services are one of our solutions, but what sets us apart from other Everything ICT approved suppliers is the range of products and services we have that solve the problems that arise for you, when your organisation suffers from poor connectivity.
We have tech that enables us to boost your existing Internet connectivity to give you the high speeds that are required. We offer a Pre-Ethernet solution, which can provide an immediate Internet connection when there is a delay between dates for installation of a Fixed Line and when you need it to go live at your site. Failover solutions give organisations of all sizes resilience to their Internet connectivity, which allows them to keep Internet services running continuously. By using multiple Internet suppliers, fewer issues are caused when one of the Internet suppliers goes down.
Please contact us if you would like to discuss what would be the most suitable solution for you.
Read more about our Products and Services.
What Our Customers Say
“It’s been a really successful partnership and we’re looking forward to working with the team to roll it out to further sites in the future.”
Core Transition Manager
“Not only did we need a solution that would work effectively in different environments, but a team who fully understood our requirements. Comms365 ticks all the boxes!”
Business Systems Director
Morrisons Utility Services
“Comms365 knew exactly what we were looking for.”
Technical Services Manager
“The service was fantastic, I ordered the product late morning and by 8pm the same day the device was delivered.”
Managing Director
Read more from our customers in their sectors.
Meet the Team
Click on the images below to find out more about our management team at Comms365.
Our Certifications